Tim R-T-C: Myatt talks trash on the mic before his match with El Ligero
Tim R-T-C: Masked Mexican wrestler El Ligero
Tim R-T-C: Myatt takes the Mexican down with a show of strength
Tim R-T-C: El Ligero sends referee Mike 'Milky' Bell flying into Myatt
Tim R-T-C: El Ligero takes Myatt up for a backslide pin
Tim R-T-C: CJ Banks confronts Paul Malen
Tim R-T-C: Tanned Trav
Tim R-T-C: The wonderfully insane Mad Man Manson
Tim R-T-C: Manson plays matador on Travis
Tim R-T-C: Travis and Manson lock up in a nipple-twister
Tim R-T-C: Hardcore House of Pain Stixx scares small children at ringside
Tim R-T-C: Stixx crushes Kraze's fur hat
Tim R-T-C: Cameron Kraze plays mind games on the Hardcore House of Pain
Tim R-T-C: Kraze crushes refereee Milky with Stixx's chain
Tim R-T-C: The humourless Stixx stomps down Kraze
Tim R-T-C: Kraze hits a hit flying move on Stixx
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Tim R-T-C: A double team effort from T-Bone and Ruffneck is required to take down the enourmous Havoc
Tim R-T-C: As the fight spills out of the ring, Ruffneck opens up on Havoc
Tim R-T-C: Havoc with a powerful submission hold on Ruffneck
Tim R-T-C: Ruffneck is finally able to tag in T-Bone who proceeds to clean house
Tim R-T-C: T-Bone and Ruffneck grab Christopher Brammer
Tim R-T-C: Martin Kirby hits the ring
Tim R-T-C: Martin Kirby carefully dons his wrestling gear while talking trash
Tim R-T-C: Melanie Price is disguisted by Kirby's sexist trash talking
Tim R-T-C: Martin Kirby puts his "moves" on Melanie Price
Tim R-T-C: Melanie loses patience with Kirby
Tim R-T-C: Price rolls Kirby up for a pinfall victory
Tim R-T-C: Kirby mourns yet another loss at an SSW event
Tim R-T-C: Paul Malen hits the ring for his UEWA title Number One Contender match