R-E-LLLL: Brooklyn Bridge
R-E-LLLL: Second Ave and 1st Street
R-E-LLLL: Bleecker Station
R-E-LLLL: Christmas Tree
R-E-LLLL: Rockefeller Angel
R-E-LLLL: a distinct lack of flash
R-E-LLLL: squint, he's there
R-E-LLLL: uhhhhh, like, 4th Street somewhere
R-E-LLLL: woooo
R-E-LLLL: whitonthepipe2
R-E-LLLL: whitonthepipe
R-E-LLLL: whack
R-E-LLLL: trumpetguy
R-E-LLLL: phoneposting
R-E-LLLL: rockingtheheian
R-E-LLLL: ohnopipe
R-E-LLLL: odetojoy2
R-E-LLLL: odetojoy
R-E-LLLL: littledrummergirlthesecond
R-E-LLLL: littledrummergirl
R-E-LLLL: iseeyougaijin
R-E-LLLL: fish!!
R-E-LLLL: electrickoto
R-E-LLLL: dancin
R-E-LLLL: Gigi looking right
R-E-LLLL: Gigi looking left
R-E-LLLL: Gigi investigating
R-E-LLLL: Gigi