Tim Pierce: terry & rockstar
Tim Pierce: bouncy stilts
Tim Pierce: terry & rockstar p
Tim Pierce: Chip & tired monkey
Tim Pierce: taking a break
Tim Pierce: he is so tall
Tim Pierce: Quinn on the stilts
Tim Pierce: Quinn on the stilts
Tim Pierce: Quinn on stilts
Tim Pierce: crazy braids
Tim Pierce: DSC_8518
Tim Pierce: David and FASTNATALIE
Tim Pierce: handicap
Tim Pierce: forest walk
Tim Pierce: forest walk
Tim Pierce: stilt gang
Tim Pierce: stilt gang
Tim Pierce: RAR!
Tim Pierce: hammock gang
Tim Pierce: reading
Tim Pierce: for walking in the mud
Tim Pierce: "the green"
Tim Pierce: Jesse
Tim Pierce: stiltilana
Tim Pierce: stiltilana
Tim Pierce: Kelsey on stilts
Tim Pierce: Kelsey on stilts
Tim Pierce: :-P
Tim Pierce: Kelsey on stilts
Tim Pierce: Kelsey, Ilana