Tim Pierce: getting ready for the train
Tim Pierce: getting ready for the train
Tim Pierce: don't feed them after midnight
Tim Pierce: M & Q explore the train
Tim Pierce: M & Q explore the train
Tim Pierce: M & Q explore the train
Tim Pierce: counterstrike
Tim Pierce: counterstrike
Tim Pierce: Disney World 2008 - 010
Tim Pierce: exploring the train
Tim Pierce: Savannah, GA
Tim Pierce: kudzu!
Tim Pierce: waking up on the train
Tim Pierce: Savannah, GA
Tim Pierce: Savannah, GA
Tim Pierce: waiting for lunch
Tim Pierce: everyone eats at Rick's
Tim Pierce: dad & Q in the dining car
Tim Pierce: dad & Q in the dining car
Tim Pierce: dad & Q in the dining car
Tim Pierce: waiting for lunch
Tim Pierce: dad & Q in the dining car
Tim Pierce: dad & Q in the dining car
Tim Pierce: M & Q in the dining car
Tim Pierce: dad & Q in the dining car
Tim Pierce: dad & Q in the dining car
Tim Pierce: dad & Q in the dining car
Tim Pierce: M & Q in the dining car
Tim Pierce: M & Q in the dining car
Tim Pierce: M & Q in the dining car