-Q-: something that was growing in someone's yard
-Q-: Something growing around the pond. :-)
-Q-: Something growing around the pond, and a big mosquito
-Q-: Liked the reflections...
-Q-: Mother & child
-Q-: Purple Haze (Thanks Mel)
-Q-: Violet Femmes (Photo by Q, Title by Mel)
-Q-: Mother & child reunion (Title by Mel)
-Q-: Something else that was growing near the pond. :-)
-Q-: Golden details (Title by La Donna)
-Q-: Bud
-Q-: Duck wrestling
-Q-: IMG_7562
-Q-: IMG_7561
-Q-: IMG_7560
-Q-: IMG_7559
-Q-: IMG_7558
-Q-: IMG_7557
-Q-: IMG_7556
-Q-: IMG_7555
-Q-: IMG_7554
-Q-: Duck wrestling - The series
-Q-: Something purple
-Q-: Something green
-Q-: Yellow