qvixen: been n ball sabotage
qvixen: burt reynolds team we will go on purple heart grand prize winners
qvixen: close your eyes when you pray to the kow god
qvixen: directing marie
qvixen: bluemen smurfs not sure
qvixen: Cobra REAL checkpoint one
qvixen: directing marie
qvixen: giving marie a leg up on the competition
qvixen: gnomes at idiot
qvixen: gnomes at idiot
qvixen: guilty
qvixen: have some sweets
qvixen: hello helllloooo I am the real direction...never mind don't listen to me go to the fake one
qvixen: here they come they start coming over the bridge
qvixen: hey boners what's under the kilt
qvixen: idiot athlete
qvixen: idiot triplets
qvixen: keepin the streets safe for idiots
qvixen: kling and crew fake check point
qvixen: let them eat cake
qvixen: listen to what the streets are telling you
qvixen: look carefully the streets are covered in idiots gold
qvixen: milk is healthy for idiots
qvixen: more set up beauty isnt easy
qvixen: pouring into fake checkpoint
qvixen: qtips easy listening
qvixen: scout idiots
qvixen: setting up the guilietine
qvixen: sock monkey boy
qvixen: stay on the sidewalk please