qurlyjoe: Gilded Flicker (Colaptes chrysalides)
qurlyjoe: Lincoln's Sparrow (Melospiza lincolnii)
qurlyjoe: Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle halcyon)
qurlyjoe: White Crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys)
qurlyjoe: Old and New
qurlyjoe: To Let, Inquire Within
qurlyjoe: Former egg, AKA somebody's breakfast
qurlyjoe: no idea what this is but it's cool
qurlyjoe: Female Mallard
qurlyjoe: last year's leftovers
qurlyjoe: Mallards
qurlyjoe: Mallards
qurlyjoe: Thistles
qurlyjoe: Frosty Milkweed pod
qurlyjoe: French Marigold
qurlyjoe: Bull Snake? Nope! My mistake—this is a rattlesnake.
qurlyjoe: Milkvetch
qurlyjoe: Milkvetch
qurlyjoe: Golden Banner (Thermopsis divaricarpa)
qurlyjoe: American Bison herd
qurlyjoe: Pronghorn Antelope
qurlyjoe: Soapstone Prairie Natural Area
qurlyjoe: Blue Heron
qurlyjoe: Pelicans and sunset
qurlyjoe: Blue Heron