Quotations: "it's Jon... without an h. Don't ever add an h."
Quotations: Beach Camping
Quotations: Some lake Somewhere BC
Quotations: This is my dreamworld
Quotations: I'm spying
Quotations: Godzilla was Asian right?
Quotations: A Tiny World
Quotations: Praising Simba re-enactment
Quotations: This is nature.
Quotations: Cigerette Smoothie
Quotations: Camping
Quotations: Hot Dogs get the first view
Quotations: Tenting
Quotations: Summer Logo
Quotations: I believe that is called alfresco.
Quotations: Tiny men live in White Rock. OR giant "No Parking" signs. Whichever.
Quotations: Shut up - I'm dreaming.
Quotations: Taking a family photo on the train tracks as a train approached.
Quotations: Something Goes Right.
Quotations: Old Boat ?
Quotations: Postill Lake
Quotations: Our Lil' Bunny Burrow
Quotations: Inside the Burrow