Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M950 MX07NTK operating a Batgate local service at Bathgate on 10 December 2018.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Whitburn Volvo B10M-62 Plaxton Premiere T798FRU at Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh, on 19 March 2019.
Robin Dickson 1:
SDT Exexutive of Whitburn Mercedes Benz O816D Plaxton Cheetah KX08UXE at Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh, on 21 August 2019.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M950 MX07NTK operating service 31 to Livingston at Livingston Bus Terminal on 5 November 2019.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate AD E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 YY15NHZ operating service 31 to Livingston at High Street, Linlithgow, on 26 November 2019.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M920 MX06BSU operating service 21 to Linlithgow at High Street, Linlithgow, on 26 November 2019.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M880SL YJ08PJX operating service 31 to Livingston at High Street, Linlithgow, on 26 November 2019.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M950 MX07NTK operating a Batgate local service at Bathgate on 17 October 2019.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M880 JY56WTW operating service 21 to Boghall at Bathgate on 17 October 2019.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M950 MX07NTK operating service 30 to Bathgate at Livingston Bus Terminal on 2 October 2019.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M880SL YJ08PJX operating service 31 to Livingston at Livingston Terminal on 8 September 2020.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M720SE operating service 31 to Livingston at Livingston Terminal on 8 September 2020.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M880 YJ59NNH operatimg a local service at Bathgate on 8 September 2020.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M880SL YJ08PJX operating service 31 to Livingston at Livingston Bus Terminal on 31 May 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M880 YJ59NNH operating service 21 to Falside at Bathgate on 24 June 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M780SL parking up at the depot after operating a school service on 24 June 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Volvo B12B Jonckheere SHV SNZ2330 returning to depot after operating a school service on 24 June 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Dennis Trident Plaxton President SK52OGZ and Transbus Trident Transbus President SN04ADZ at the depot on 24 June 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Volvo olympian 56 Alexander RL R144EVX parked at the depot on 24 June 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Transbus R420 Transbus Paragon AB04MTB alongside Mercedes Benz O816D Plaxton Cheetah KX08UXE at the depot on 24 June 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Mercedes Benz 1218L Plaxton Cheetah XL FJ17PZL and Scania K340EB4 Caetano Levante FJ57KJO at the depot on 24 June 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Volvo B11R Jonckheere JHV SN16RED at the depot on 24 June 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Volvo Olympian 50 Alexander RH T471TBA parked at the depot on 24 June 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M890 parked up at the depot on 24 June 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M850SL parked up at the depot on 24 June 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M890SL YJ62FCC operating service 31 to Bathgate at Livingston Bus Terminal on 24 November 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Volvo B9R Caetano Levante LRZ5965 at Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, on 25 May 2022.on 16 June 2021.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Volvo B12B Jonckheere SHV SNZ2330 at Regent Road, Edinburgh, on 9 June 2022.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M890 YJ62FYF operating service 31 to Livingston at Livingston Bus Terminal on 16 September 2022.
Robin Dickson 1:
SD Travel of Bathgate Optare Solo M900SR operating service 31 to Bathgate at Livingston Bus Terminal on 17 January 2023.