Quizical Cat: Fatima - A Career Change Guide Dog for the Blind
Quizical Cat: Fatima & Fetzer w/Cathy
Quizical Cat: Exploring the creek
Quizical Cat: Lots of praise and encouragement
Quizical Cat: Fetzer and Cathy
Quizical Cat: Creekside adventure
Quizical Cat: Fatima kicks it up!
Quizical Cat: Natural Born Swimmer
Quizical Cat: And he's off...well, sort of!
Quizical Cat: Cooling Off
Quizical Cat: 'Eyes for Freedom' Puppy Raisers
Quizical Cat: GDB Puppy Raisers at Mt. Shasta
Quizical Cat: Mt. Shasta Tailgate Lunch