quito: switzerland
quito: alotta halvah
quito: alana at the jerusalem shuk
quito: best breakfast ever
quito: sara-tal and anna
quito: don't worry be jewish
quito: at the marshdundumit show... sweet auditorium
quito: jerusalem
quito: border into palestine
quito: manger square, bethlehem on christmas eve
quito: cookies?
quito: tel aviv
quito: this street artist in tel aviv left wolves everywhere... killer
quito: haifa
quito: self-portrait, galilee
quito: somewhere north of haifa
quito: hippie civilians bearing arms
quito: late night burek stop, tel aviv
quito: the scholar and his grandfather
quito: welcome to beirut
quito: sunset in the amman airport
quito: adam in his office at the american university, beirut
quito: coolest couch at the horny old lady store in the beirut mall
quito: beirut
quito: side street in our jerusalem neighborhood
quito: flying over the alps on a cloudy day