quito: the cupcake princess and the installation site
quito: 15 layers, baby!
quito: yeah, that's basically what it looked like.
quito: movie night
quito: busy as a rainbow (lauren's video)
quito: that's my dad on the left
quito: check it out, we hung the screen from the underside of the BQE
quito: chunks of concrete to keep the screen steady
quito: movie night!
quito: movie screen
quito: movie night!!!
quito: shulie the projector-director, taking charge
quito: emily the cupcake princess and me!
quito: mmm... mini cupcakes....
quito: free box and daffodil video
quito: installation site
quito: free art!
quito: replanting the daffodils (on video)
quito: free box
quito: free
quito: side view
quito: lots of cords.
quito: cake support (it only toppled once)
quito: free tree and free video
quito: screen prints
quito: sewing through metal