Quite Adept: Bugs
Quite Adept: Bugs
Quite Adept: Bugs
Quite Adept: Hawthorn Shield bug
Quite Adept: Ladybird
Quite Adept: Ladybird
Quite Adept: Peacock Butterfly
Quite Adept: Yellow ladybird
Quite Adept: Yellow ladybird
Quite Adept: Damselfly
Quite Adept: Campanula and Bee
Quite Adept: Bee on Lavender
Quite Adept: Orange tailed bumble bee
Quite Adept: Orange tailed bumble bee
Quite Adept: Large Skipper
Quite Adept: Large Skipper on Geranium
Quite Adept: Hover fly on the Sisyrinchium
Quite Adept: Meadow Brown Butterfly
Quite Adept: Hover fly on the Day Lily
Quite Adept: Red Admiral
Quite Adept: Hoverfly
Quite Adept: What big eyes you have!
Quite Adept: Comma
Quite Adept: Large white?
Quite Adept: Large White
Quite Adept: Large White
Quite Adept: Comma 1
Quite Adept: Comma 2
Quite Adept: Comma 3
Quite Adept: Hoverfly