A. Wee: Snack basket
A. Wee: Yoku moku Cigare cookies
A. Wee: Snacks and origami in the galley
A. Wee: Sunrise in the Pacific
A. Wee: Flying in the sunrise
A. Wee: Cabin view mid flight
A. Wee: Snacks presentation in the galley
A. Wee: Sunrise view from the flight
A. Wee: Breakfast in the flight
A. Wee: Breakfast is served
A. Wee: Interior of the lavatory
A. Wee: Inside the 787 lavatory
A. Wee: Boeing 787 lavatory interior
A. Wee: Coffee before landing
A. Wee: View from seat 1C
A. Wee: Coffee mug on the ledge
A. Wee: Flight across the Pacific
A. Wee: Above the clouds
A. Wee: IMG_20220301_091510
A. Wee: IMG_20220301_093344
A. Wee: IMG_20220301_093410__01
A. Wee: IMG_20220301_093420__01
A. Wee: Sky Suite Seat guide
A. Wee: Seat manual
A. Wee: Seat features
A. Wee: Touch panel controller
A. Wee: Using the remote
A. Wee: IMG_20220301_093559
A. Wee: IMG_20220301_093605
A. Wee: Flight routing over Vancouver Island