Quincy the Matchmaker:
Wisconsin DNR Education Center at Horicon Marsh
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Painted turtle
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Tree Swallow
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Tree Swallows
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Yellow Warbler
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Eastern Phoebe
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Canada Goose
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Purple Martin nesting pair
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Purple Martin nesting pair
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Song Sparrow
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Sandhill Crane
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Canada Goose Gosling
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Blue-winged Teal
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Black-necked Stilt
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Northern Shoveler
Quincy the Matchmaker:
House Wren
Quincy the Matchmaker:
American Goldfinch
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Brown-headed Cowbird
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Glossy Ibis
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Red-winged Blackbird, female
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Brown-headed Cowbirds
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Quincy the Matchmaker:
White-crowned Sparrow
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Yellow Warbler
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Common Grackle
Quincy the Matchmaker:
Lesser Yellowlegs