Quincy the Matchmaker: Blue-winged Teal
Quincy the Matchmaker: Barn Swallow
Quincy the Matchmaker: America Coot
Quincy the Matchmaker: Canada Goose Gosling
Quincy the Matchmaker: Least Sandpiper
Quincy the Matchmaker: White-crowned Sparrow
Quincy the Matchmaker: White-crowned Sparrow
Quincy the Matchmaker: Black-necked Stilt
Quincy the Matchmaker: Tree Swallow
Quincy the Matchmaker: Song Sparrow
Quincy the Matchmaker: Red-tailed Hawk
Quincy the Matchmaker: Red-tailed Hawk
Quincy the Matchmaker: Red-winged Blackbird
Quincy the Matchmaker: Swamp Sparrow
Quincy the Matchmaker: Tree Swallow
Quincy the Matchmaker: Swamp Sparrow
Quincy the Matchmaker: Common Yellowthroat
Quincy the Matchmaker: Red-winged Blackbird
Quincy the Matchmaker: Canada Geese
Quincy the Matchmaker: Yellow Warbler