Quilted/: 2307 Must dash!
Quilted/: IMG_6736
Quilted/: IMG_6737
Quilted/: The BIG Wheel!!!
Quilted/: Travelator @ TfL
Quilted/: Peckham Library
Quilted/: Peckham Library
Quilted/: Peckham Library
Quilted/: 2407 Peckham Library - Line and Curve
Quilted/: Peckham Library
Quilted/: Bendy bus!
Quilted/: Paternoster Square
Quilted/: Paternoster Square
Quilted/: Millenium Bridge
Quilted/: Lines and curves - Millenium Bridge
Quilted/: Arty farty
Quilted/: Rothko it is not!
Quilted/: S & P
Quilted/: Reflective glass of red!
Quilted/: Tate Modern - cafe
Quilted/: Halo's
Quilted/: Silver birches @ Tate Modern
Quilted/: White stripes
Quilted/: Shadow on the bridge
Quilted/: Underneath the arches
Quilted/: Bending over backwards
Quilted/: Replica of The Golden Hinde
Quilted/: No 1 London Bridge
Quilted/: No 1 London Bridge and the Swiss Re building
Quilted/: Light reflection