Quilted/: 1407 Lines and curves
Quilted/: 1107 Lines and curves
Quilted/: Rain soddened
Quilted/: 0907 Raindrops keep falling....
Quilted/: 0807 Cous cous
Quilted/: 0507 It's Wimbledon Ladies Final day - so it also must be strawberries!
Quilted/: With or without sugar?
Quilted/: Strawberries
Quilted/: 0207 The bottom of m' pint!
Quilted/: 2106 Rain on the polished teak patio table
Quilted/: Rain on the polished teak patio table
Quilted/: 1906 Life is just a bowl of cherries
Quilted/: 0606 LETTERS
Quilted/: Pink leaves
Quilted/: Tokyo Eat with it's Cadbury's 'Smash' lights
Quilted/: Walk through sculpture
Quilted/: Rosé for lunch - why not?
Quilted/: Pink cycles used as advertising
Quilted/: Elephant logo
Quilted/: Framboise tart
Quilted/: A proper double bed...
Quilted/: 0805 Patterned tin
Quilted/: Close up of the coloured ribbons.
Quilted/: 0205 Maypole ribbons against a very blue sky.
Quilted/: 3004 Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 145th Edition
Quilted/: More Wisden's
Quilted/: 2504 Sad-eyed! Exit doors at The Y Theatre!
Quilted/: 2304 Patriotic neighbour with St George's flag on his garage.
Quilted/: 1104 Tower of Babel?
Quilted/: Early morning snow