Quilted/: Budpest Airport
Quilted/: View from the window in our hostel
Quilted/: Tram No 2
Quilted/: Highly decorative ceiling
Quilted/: Decorative street light
Quilted/: IMG_2264
Quilted/: Buda
Quilted/: IMG_2274
Quilted/: IMG_2292
Quilted/: Ruszwurm: One of those rare cake shops
Quilted/: IMG_2317
Quilted/: Going down! Escalator on Budapest Metro
Quilted/: IMG_2341
Quilted/: Sign indicating Underground station ' Opera'
Quilted/: IMG_2345
Quilted/: Opera sign on the metro
Quilted/: Very modern shopping centre
Quilted/: Fountain that squirts in time to music
Quilted/: Inside one of the immaculate buses
Quilted/: Fatal; Great place to eat
Quilted/: IMG_2363
Quilted/: Sorforras restaurant -close up of exterior
Quilted/: Sorforras restaurant 2
Quilted/: Sorforras restaurant - sign
Quilted/: Elaborate manhole cover
Quilted/: Zwarovski head office
Quilted/: Statue
Quilted/: IMG_2727
Quilted/: IMG_2728
Quilted/: IMG_2730