torchesforghosts: In your place
torchesforghosts: Maybe if I sit still long enough
torchesforghosts: .The near stillness recalls what is forgotten.
torchesforghosts: A year ago today I lost you.
torchesforghosts: When I found out that you were dead
torchesforghosts: I thought to myself that it couldn't be true
torchesforghosts: In my dreams you're always a ghost.
torchesforghosts: I wish I could believe
torchesforghosts: Your posthumous love letter
torchesforghosts: I envy time, the way it passes
torchesforghosts: And I remember when the lightning struck;
torchesforghosts: "I carry you with me into the world,"
torchesforghosts: I feel the sunlight now
torchesforghosts: All day I walked toward the sun
torchesforghosts: ... and the grief was softer because of that...
torchesforghosts: The wind, your breath on my skin,
torchesforghosts: .And above all, watch with glittering eyes.