| faustroll |: schwitters
| faustroll |: don't think TWICE, it's all right
| faustroll |: Laser 3.14 [1]
| faustroll |: No Dominion
| faustroll |: Strings that play forever
| faustroll |: Se ti tagliassero a pezzetti
| faustroll |: Im Lauf der Zeit
| faustroll |: Dawn, to a God Unknown
| faustroll |: Sword swallower
| faustroll |: Rosencrantz's Best Friend
| faustroll |: Senza pietà.[green solitude]
| faustroll |: Onda su Onda
| faustroll |: Twelve Monkeys
| faustroll |: Turrita
| faustroll |: La Ballata degli Impiccati
| faustroll |: La Moneta di Caronte
| faustroll |: Finzioni
| faustroll |: Silent Feet
| faustroll |: Scritte impossibili di popoli sconosciuti
| faustroll |: La Chute
| faustroll |: Hic et nunc
| faustroll |: cu'i cioi 'nt'i euggi