Quezon Family Collection: “…the main purpose of this gathering is… to express the boundless gratitude of the Filipino People to the United States for the measureless benefits she has bestowed during the four decades that have passed since then.” (Quotation from the speech of Presi
Quezon Family Collection: “APO” PAUL VORIES McNUTT, on the eve of his 47th birthday, his second in the P.I., received in his residence last Monday evening a group of strange callers in costumes reminiscent of Spanish days. . . Led by PRESIDENT QUEZON, shown reading an affectionat
Quezon Family Collection: “OCCUPATION DAY – 40 YEARS AGO – WE WILL NOT FORGET.” President Quezon speaks; High Commissioner McNutt listens.
Quezon Family Collection: 20,000 People Cheer Quezon in Iloilo
Quezon Family Collection: 31st Infantry, U. S. A
Quezon Family Collection: 40th Anniversary of American Occupation
Quezon Family Collection: 50,000 roared welcome to the President
Quezon Family Collection: 50,000 students at rally
Quezon Family Collection: 50,000 youth and a far vaster crowd of unseen radio audience heard the President, on his sixtieth year, plead for a regeneration in the character of the Filipino youth.
Quezon Family Collection: 200 labor delegates
Quezon Family Collection: El Comisionado Leon Guinto y Señora, con sus padrinos.
Quezon Family Collection: 1932--The Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act and soon after the Tydings-McDuffie Act came next, in the progress towards ultimate independence, providing for stable trade relations depicted in the float above.
Quezon Family Collection: 1935--The last float symbolizes the inauguration of the Philippine Commonwealth with youth at helm to signify strength, joy, and optimism.
Quezon Family Collection: Gratitude Marches -- A bird's eye view of the Luneta last Saturday morning during the Gratitude Parade when more than 150,000 Filipinos marched in the biggest parade ever seen here to show America the gratitude of the Filipino nation for the friendship