Quezon Family Collection: “Baby” Quezon cuts her Birthday Cake. The turbaned President is attentive
Quezon Family Collection: “I want you to have faith in Me”
Quezon Family Collection: A lively reception in Malacañan Palace by Doña Aurora Quezon in honor of the Filipino Nurses Association
Quezon Family Collection: A part of the crowd who went to Pier 7 to bid goodbye to President Quezon in his way to Washington
Quezon Family Collection: A portion of the crowd that invaded the palace gardens
Quezon Family Collection: A portion of the mammoth crowd that heard the President’s speech at Malacañan
Quezon Family Collection: A rare photograph of President Manuel L. Quezon taken in Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York during a press interview
Quezon Family Collection: A toast to friendship
Quezon Family Collection: A well-attended tea given by the Young Women Christian Association at their club house on Isaac Peral, honoring Mrs. Manuel L. Quezon
Quezon Family Collection: Above are President Quezon and George Luthringer, monetary expert of the joint committee of experts, taking things easy on board the S.S Hoover
Quezon Family Collection: Admiral Yarnell greets President Quezon
Quezon Family Collection: After the reception at Georgetown University
Quezon Family Collection: An editorial cartoon about Manuel L. Quezon threatening the Sugar Planter’s to give the right profit to the laborers
Quezon Family Collection: An unusual shot of his eminence Denis Cardinal Daugherty with the First Lady of the Land, before he sailed last night
Quezon Family Collection: And now everybody is happy
Quezon Family Collection: Arrival in Mexico
Quezon Family Collection: Assistant Secretary of State Francis Sayre embracing President Quezon
Quezon Family Collection: At Teahan Christening
Quezon Family Collection: At the City Hall Fete
Quezon Family Collection: At the De Leon Party
Quezon Family Collection: At the Famous Quezon Luncheon
Quezon Family Collection: At the formal dinner and dance given by Mrs. Narcisa Vda.
Quezon Family Collection: At the funeral of Mr. J. Don Joaquin Elizalde
Quezon Family Collection: At the Gota De Leche Tea Party Saturday
Quezon Family Collection: At the international tea party of the Y.W.C.A yesterday in honor of Mrs. Manuel Quezon
Quezon Family Collection: At the laying of the corner stone for the new City Hall. President Quezon was caught by the camera while delivering his speech
Quezon Family Collection: At the reception given by Vice President and Mrs. Sergio Osmena in honor of President and Mrs. Quezon at the normal hall yesterday afternoon
Quezon Family Collection: At the tea given by the Catholic Women’s League honoring Mrs. Manuel Quezon on August 24th
Quezon Family Collection: At the well attended International Tea given by the Young Women’s Christian Association at its clubhouse
Quezon Family Collection: Au Revoir, America! Hello, Philippines!