delfuego: Laundry basket racecar driving
delfuego: Devouring lemon ice from Grandpa
delfuego: Paint can blues
delfuego: Monkeying around with Mommy
delfuego: Dishtowel dress
delfuego: Our little raccoon
delfuego: Looking for Mommy
delfuego: Hooray for sweet potato pancakes!
delfuego: Through the termite mound tunnel
delfuego: Holding up the termite mound
delfuego: Watching the world go by with Bayla
delfuego: Playing with her mullet
delfuego: A view of the bottom
delfuego: Raccoon, part two
delfuego: Bye bye!
delfuego: Scooped up by Granddad
delfuego: Self-smooching
delfuego: Yummy yummy cake