donna lynn:
Loxahatchee: Turkey Vulture Warning
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Hollywood, FL: Laughing Gull not fishing
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Hollywood, FL: Boat-tailed Grackle not fishing
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Joe Overstreet, FL: Grackle Not Parking
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Central Park: Robin & babies at red light
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Robert Moses State Pk: gull keeping off the dunes
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East Brunswick, NJ: Mocker on Danger!
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Tolt-McDonald: Swallow Parking
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Tolt-McDonald: Barn Swallow Camping (for a fee)
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Sterling Forest area: Eastern Kingbird Trespassing
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Sterling Forest: Red-winged Blackbird Posting on Private Property
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Brigaintine, NJ: Red-wing Enforcing Speed Limiit
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Brigantine, NJ: One-way Birding
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Brigantine, NJ: Closed by Crow
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Riverbend, NJ: Sparrow sings the No Parking operetta
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CT: Northern Wheatear - No Noise On the Runway
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Shinnecock, NY: Gulls No Wake
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Queens, NY: Common Raven
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Mecox: Tree Swallow watches out for beach drivers
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Montezuma WR: Tree Swallow Protecting the Flowers.
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Montezuma WR: Tree Swallows Don't Drive
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Negri-Nepote: Chipping Sparrow Welcomes the Sun
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Common Grackle Parking till 5pm
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Jones Beach: For Geese, Swimming Taboo
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NJ: Starling Says "Remember Your Number~!"
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Halibut Pt., MA: Masked Birder
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Don't Disturb the Owls!
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Oceanside, NY: No Trespassing! Says the Gull.
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Florida: Eastern Phoebe Gives a Warning
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Jones Beach: One Way!