queenjill: Hoping to just beam up
queenjill: Velo Girls to Enterprise
queenjill: Top of Tunnel Road
queenjill: Big ol' nail thingy
queenjill: Ann, Gnat, and Dana
queenjill: Emily and Vanessa
queenjill: Melting dog
queenjill: Poppies
queenjill: How many Velo Girls does it take to change a flat?
queenjill: Sad puppy
queenjill: Kat at the top
queenjill: Dana
queenjill: At the top!
queenjill: View from the top
queenjill: View from the top
queenjill: View from the top
queenjill: View from the top
queenjill: I just liked these trees
queenjill: Iraq memorial in Lafayette
queenjill: Second in line for Star Trek