ShelahD: The Entire D5 crew
ShelahD: Raffle Time again.
ShelahD: Raffle Time
ShelahD: Eliana and Garvin - after the CITO raffle
ShelahD: How can anyone smile so much over trash
ShelahD: Aiden says "Oh my gosh at all the people"
ShelahD: Who knew that GPSr's could be so interesting
ShelahD: Cache stations
ShelahD: Exotic being ....exotic.
ShelahD: Arrivals
ShelahD: People all the way from Montana
ShelahD: Becky of CachinMPs with their first ever FTF. - Go ma!!!
ShelahD: 101 turns note taking
ShelahD: Diveduo and Blueye running their stations
ShelahD: Davis5 Station
ShelahD: The chef - Don of CachinMPs
ShelahD: ummm yeah. Getting ready for the event.