queenieinmanhattan: brown dog is going down. eventually.
queenieinmanhattan: where are my vegetables?
queenieinmanhattan: don't you have food for me?
queenieinmanhattan: whites of my eyes...creepy? yes.
queenieinmanhattan: let's nestle.
queenieinmanhattan: profiles in courage.
queenieinmanhattan: let's pretend we like each other, ok, hunter?
queenieinmanhattan: brothers from the same mother.
queenieinmanhattan: what's an iPhone?
queenieinmanhattan: yes, i'm adorable.
queenieinmanhattan: this wreath is toast.
queenieinmanhattan: his future's so bright...
queenieinmanhattan: time for bed!
queenieinmanhattan: please? pleeeeaase?
queenieinmanhattan: begging for donuts.
queenieinmanhattan: hunter in his christmas kerchief.
queenieinmanhattan: with hunter!
queenieinmanhattan: with hunter.