the queen of subtle: Tower Garden is almost ready to go! Just waiting on seedlings.
the queen of subtle: Starting seeds for my Tower Garden
the queen of subtle: Tower Garden with seedlings!
the queen of subtle: Tower Garden tomatoes, 25 days after planting seeds
the queen of subtle: Tower Garden zucchini, 25 days after seeds were planted
the queen of subtle: Tower Garden, exactly one month after planting seeds
the queen of subtle: Tower Garden, 5 weeks after planting seeds
the queen of subtle: Tower Garden, 6 weeks after planting seeds
the queen of subtle: Baby zucchini in the Tower Garden
the queen of subtle: Tower Garden week 7
the queen of subtle: Fried squash blossoms from the Tower Garden!
the queen of subtle: Tower Garden 2 months after planting seeds
the queen of subtle: Tower Garden, 9 weeks after planting
the queen of subtle: The Tower Garden is more of a Tower Jungle now
the queen of subtle: Broccoli from the Tower Garden!
the queen of subtle: Tower Garden and orchids
the queen of subtle: Roots in the Tower Garden
the queen of subtle: The tomatoes reach the pergola now and have been attached to ropes
the queen of subtle: Tower Garden: summer edition
the queen of subtle: Irma killed my Tower Garden, so we cleaned it all up and started over.
the queen of subtle: I got a second Tower Garden off of Facebook! 20 more spots for plants!
the queen of subtle: The Towers are back!
the queen of subtle: The Tower Gardens are doing amazingly well
the queen of subtle: We'll be having salad from the Tower Garden tonight!
the queen of subtle: Squash blossoms from the Tower Garden
the queen of subtle: The Towers are going like crazy now that it's cooler out
the queen of subtle: Your move, iguanas.
the queen of subtle: First Tower Garden cucumber!
the queen of subtle: Pickles (cucumber and banana pepper) from my garden!
the queen of subtle: Peppers from my Tower Garden (these are the Irma survivors!)