the queen of subtle: Chinatown has the Best Restaurants!
the queen of subtle: Capitol from the Mall
the queen of subtle: food trucks as far as the eye can see.
the queen of subtle: eating falafel on the capitol lawn. #AMERICA
the queen of subtle: Bally on the Mall
the queen of subtle: The Capitol
the queen of subtle: Bally at the Capitol
the queen of subtle: View from the Capitol Lawn
the queen of subtle: U.S. Grant Memorial
the queen of subtle: @ballybasketball loves america
the queen of subtle: Bally serving a delicious airline meal
the queen of subtle: Matt watching 3DTV at the Smithsonian Castle
the queen of subtle: Inside the Smithsonian Castle
the queen of subtle: Smithsonian Castle
the queen of subtle: Bally visits the Washington Monument
the queen of subtle: Washington Monument
the queen of subtle: Segway tourists and a man with opinions in front of the White House
the queen of subtle: The White House
the queen of subtle: bally visiting the president
the queen of subtle: Manhattan at Old Ebbitt Grill
the queen of subtle: Jose Andres' Barmini
the queen of subtle: barmini bathroom wall
the queen of subtle: Metro Center
the queen of subtle: WWII Memorial
the queen of subtle: WWII Memorial
the queen of subtle: WWII Memorial wall
the queen of subtle: WWII Memorial
the queen of subtle: WWII Memorial