the queen of subtle: the boys are not thrilled with this situation.
the queen of subtle: silent auction tables!
the queen of subtle: hardcore 3-day planning in progress.
the queen of subtle: wendy and jumi recreate our 'we got this' flag at crew day.
the queen of subtle: i'm ready for year 6.
the queen of subtle: opening ceremonies at 4am
the queen of subtle: getting ready for opening ceremonies
the queen of subtle: cheering the walkers out of opening ceremonies
the queen of subtle: walkers at mile 1 on @the3day!
the queen of subtle: shower trucks
the queen of subtle: our office
the queen of subtle: cindi's neck tattoo
the queen of subtle: our command center
the queen of subtle: camp: morning of day 1
the queen of subtle: the command center
the queen of subtle: jumi's bus
the queen of subtle: the rosemount football team helped set up camp
the queen of subtle: camp coming to life
the queen of subtle: football player and walker
the queen of subtle: camp, fully tented
the queen of subtle: day one dinner
the queen of subtle: lines for dinner at 3-day camp
the queen of subtle: day 2 fog
the queen of subtle: day two fog
the queen of subtle: walkers leaving camp on day 2
the queen of subtle: cindi gets a visit from abby
the queen of subtle: camp, midday on day two
the queen of subtle: remembrance tent
the queen of subtle: our office