the queen of subtle: supplies for 33 dozen peanut blossoms
the queen of subtle: THREE SIZES OF JIF
the queen of subtle: 3 years of 3-day history
the queen of subtle: wendy's cape makes her fast
the queen of subtle: 3-day preparations
the queen of subtle: cindi helping with capes
the queen of subtle: opening ceremonies stage
the queen of subtle: our van, decorated
the queen of subtle: balloon at opening ceremonies
the queen of subtle: wendy and our van's notebook at 4:30am
the queen of subtle: our beautiful capes
the queen of subtle: arriving at the 3-day
the queen of subtle: wendy's very very excited for 6am
the queen of subtle: sweep supplies
the queen of subtle: waiting for the walkers to head out
the queen of subtle: our beautiful van
the queen of subtle: one of the first walkers
the queen of subtle: the 3-day begins
the queen of subtle: sunrise on day 2
the queen of subtle: 3day camp
the queen of subtle: 3day camp
the queen of subtle: decorated tents
the queen of subtle: sea of tents
the queen of subtle: wendy playing see-food
the queen of subtle: waiting for walkers on day 2
the queen of subtle: our van, a little worse for wear.
the queen of subtle: honk if you love boobs