the queen of subtle: my first tattoo
the queen of subtle: my second tattoo
the queen of subtle: right arm
the queen of subtle: gemini tattoo
the queen of subtle: mpls tattoo
the queen of subtle: new tattoo
the queen of subtle: my minneapolis tattoo
the queen of subtle: in progress 1
the queen of subtle: in progress 2
the queen of subtle: in progress 3
the queen of subtle: in progress 4
the queen of subtle: in progress 5
the queen of subtle: the next morning
the queen of subtle: the next morning
the queen of subtle: "what does my tattoo look like since the touchups?"
the queen of subtle: new tattoo!
the queen of subtle: closeup (83/365)
the queen of subtle: six years. (280/365)
the queen of subtle: my tattoos in a book!
the queen of subtle: FEST/Florida/Dillinger 4/Halloween tattoo on actual Halloween.