the queen of subtle: wendy keeps the tally on her arm
the queen of subtle: there are a lot of photos of me like this
the queen of subtle: stephanie, wendy, sarah, sarah's friends, and dave
the queen of subtle: jumi and cin's knuckle tattoos
the queen of subtle: matt and katie do the double rock lock
the queen of subtle: bill and wendy
the queen of subtle: the VICTORY CARDS
the queen of subtle: levi and mollie
the queen of subtle: sean, christine, stephanie
the queen of subtle: this is hard to explain
the queen of subtle: sean is a midget
the queen of subtle: wendy and stephanie
the queen of subtle: levi feels dirty
the queen of subtle: wendy gets autographed by mattron
the queen of subtle: wendy gets autographed by mattron
the queen of subtle: wendy gets autographed by mattron
the queen of subtle: some new handshake: step 4
the queen of subtle: some new handshake: step 3
the queen of subtle: some new handshake: step 2
the queen of subtle: some new handshake: step 1
the queen of subtle: right before the snapper incident.
the queen of subtle: sarah and wendy
the queen of subtle: sarah and wendy
the queen of subtle: matt's tattoo
the queen of subtle: 2/3 of mattron
the queen of subtle: katie and wendy