quaycur: A girl and her...Shakespeare Festival?
quaycur: This llama wasn't wild about us.
quaycur: Where we stayed last night, #airstream edition.
quaycur: Had to.
quaycur: Had to.
quaycur: Under Horsetail Falls.
quaycur: Falls.
quaycur: Portland by tram.
quaycur: We may have overdone it slightly.
quaycur: Parquet Courts.
quaycur: "I want to carve something into this redwood tree." "What are you going to carve?" "I don't know. Maybe 'Pink Floyd?'" "Cool."
quaycur: Ancient redwoods at Jed Smith Park.
quaycur: Where we slept last night. #cabinporn
quaycur: @omittanceisnoquittance, hanging on Paul Bunyan's shoe.
quaycur: Road trip!