quaycur: driving face
quaycur: ange's sad (DEpressed) face
quaycur: more kitty hell
quaycur: sad kitty pile
quaycur: jill and g*rant
quaycur: jill and her said (worried) face
quaycur: ryan and his sad face
quaycur: alz and her sad face
quaycur: g-rant
quaycur: kitty torture
quaycur: a sweet summer's night on ali's porch
quaycur: yeah!
quaycur: rock out with your
quaycur: play that funky music, alz
quaycur: best buy?
quaycur: all elements present
quaycur: the splendid table!
quaycur: a little blurrier
quaycur: als, wine and cheese
quaycur: putting the" wine" in "wine and cheese."
quaycur: overexposed and underpaid
quaycur: kitty and mr. piano
quaycur: maxin and
quaycur: looking formal
quaycur: alz, funny hat and bate
quaycur: chris wearing suspenders
quaycur: smiley
quaycur: ry looking a little wastoid
quaycur: it's a tie.
quaycur: kissy kissy