quaycur: bond, james bond
quaycur: the man in the shadows
quaycur: my jersey costume
quaycur: the garden state
quaycur: jersey is more densly populated than india
quaycur: didn't you take enough?
quaycur: kot steals my camera all the time and takes weird pictures of herself
quaycur: kot stealing my camera more
quaycur: watch where you're pointing that thing
quaycur: knight in action!
quaycur: james bond vs. knight, angelina making peace
quaycur: emma as boy-from-wrong-side of tracks; ange as girl-from-right-side-of-tracks
quaycur: don't fuck with the boy-from-the-wrong-side-of-the-tracks
quaycur: prepare to die
quaycur: als ponders how glad she is that "it's a movie."
quaycur: miranda july gets trashed
quaycur: james bond kills miranda july
quaycur: out of options
quaycur: we're not fucking around this time.
quaycur: the tables turn
quaycur: kot used to be a knight; details was a deviled egg
quaycur: sick
quaycur: cup o' drunk
quaycur: you can see ange's ass.
quaycur: gettin' kissed
quaycur: homies
quaycur: "i think that's the best picture ever taken of me"
quaycur: they don't know
quaycur: fuck you, adam
quaycur: look at katy