Paul Ewing:
"PANO-Man to the Rescue!"
Paul Ewing:
"Photo Synthesis"
Paul Ewing:
"Rumination, Abstract" [final draft]
Paul Ewing:
"Airport of the Mysteries" (my favorite iteration)
Paul Ewing:
"ChromaDepth PANO-Aquarium 2.0
Paul Ewing:
"Albion's Creed" titled after "Albion's Seed," a history of England's imprint on American culture by David Hackett Fischer
Paul Ewing:
"ChromaDepth 3D Playground With Lens Flare"--Inspired by Lauren and Colton
Paul Ewing:
Paul Ewing:
"Electric Fish"
Paul Ewing:
"Rust Belt Carwash"
Paul Ewing:
"Dry Desert Heat Desiccates Semi Trucks, Orange and Yellow
Paul Ewing:
"Monitor Pano 'Abstract Expressionism' Album"
Paul Ewing:
"Coffee House PanoCollage"
Paul Ewing:
"Lascaux Caves"
Paul Ewing:
"Pregnant With Possibilities"
Paul Ewing:
"Polar Vortex Descends Onto Michigan Swamp" (final signed version)
Paul Ewing:
"Michigan is the New Arizona" (toned down a bit)
Paul Ewing:
"MacCready Preserve in Michigan; Pano-Sabotaged for the First Time in History"*
Paul Ewing:
"Happy New Year, 2019"
Paul Ewing:
Happy Birthday, 2018, Renée!
Paul Ewing:
"The Zac Dogson Show"
Paul Ewing:
"Hokusai Meets Haida, Stretched Horizontally"
Paul Ewing:
"Magic Bus"
Paul Ewing:
"Adventure of the Mind 2.0"
Paul Ewing:
"Blue Whale Breaching" --dedicated to Liz Mack, author of two books on the panorama-sabotage medium! She's also an outstanding digital artist who uses that technique as well as many others to create highly sophisticated art.
Paul Ewing:
"Speed Bumps on the Rust Belt Road"
Paul Ewing:
"Sculpture After Mark di Suvero, Surreal Treatment" (framed version)
Paul Ewing:
"Journey to the Land of the Sleep Deprived" (America, 2018)
Paul Ewing:
"Drive Through the ChromaDepth 3D Lily Pad Carwash"
Paul Ewing:
"Bots Out of Hell!'