Paul Ewing: "Blue Whale Breaching" --dedicated to Liz Mack, author of two books on the panorama-sabotage medium! She's also an outstanding digital artist who uses that technique as well as many others to create highly sophisticated art.
Paul Ewing: "Speed Bumps on the Rust Belt Road"
Paul Ewing: "Sculpture After Mark di Suvero, Surreal Treatment" (framed version)
Paul Ewing: "Journey to the Land of the Sleep Deprived" (America, 2018)
Paul Ewing: "Digital Sculpture"
Paul Ewing: "The Persistence of Rust" (after Dali's title, "The Persistence of Memory")
Paul Ewing: "Lake Effect"
Paul Ewing: "Surreal Henhouse Foundation" (note PANO-Sabotage elements)
Paul Ewing: "Surreal Red Hen Henhouse"
Paul Ewing: "Rust Belt Abstract Trompe L'oeil, Framed Version"
Paul Ewing: "Cube Descending a Staircase"
Paul Ewing: "Engine of Deconstruction"
Paul Ewing: "Karnak Karma" --dedicated to Flickr Maestro, Richard Gardner-Warner
Paul Ewing: "Inner Workings of the Cartesian Mind"
Paul Ewing: IMG_7104
Paul Ewing: "Heavy Overcast"
Paul Ewing: "Treatise on Trees"
Paul Ewing: "Color Theory"
Paul Ewing: "Dali's Metronome"
Paul Ewing: "Urban Grunge Blender"
Paul Ewing: "The Worm of Nothingness" --Jean Paul Sartre
Paul Ewing: "Bottom Feeders" (3 layers)
Paul Ewing: "Under Construction in Manhattan"
Paul Ewing: "Modern Architecture Reconstructed"
Paul Ewing: "The Center Does Not Hold"--William Butler Yeats, from his poem, "The Second Coming"
Paul Ewing: "New Millennium Underground Railroad 2.0"
Paul Ewing: "Choosing Destiny"--title by Adove Roden and Image Dedicated to her
Paul Ewing: "Flotsam and Jetsam"
Paul Ewing: "Primitive"