Paul Ewing: "Night Regatta on Pano Seas"
Paul Ewing: "Saguaro You Here?"--pun by Paul Ewing and Tim Lefler
Paul Ewing: "Piano Warp"
Paul Ewing: "Kim's Fairy Flower"--dedicated to my lovely wife, Kim #digitalart
Paul Ewing: Nude a la Robert Crumb, Triptych
Paul Ewing: "Magic Building"
Paul Ewing: Section of PANO in the Rain
Paul Ewing: "Double Thruster of a Terraformed Asteroid"--title by Bill Smith and image inspired by and dedicated to him
Paul Ewing: "Fallout Shelter"
Paul Ewing: "PANO-Typewriters in Antique Shop"
Paul Ewing: "That Dam Horizon Line Again"
Paul Ewing: Happy Valentine's Day, 2019!
Paul Ewing: "Apple Orchard a la Superimpose"
Paul Ewing: PANO-Vision Creek Reduced size to 2000 X 451 pixels
Paul Ewing: "Bamboo Tower, Cropped"
Paul Ewing: "Catching the Neutrino"
Paul Ewing: "The Center Does Not Hold" (in progress 1.0)