Paul Ewing:
"Lookin' For Adventure And Whatever Comes Our Way...." [to be continued]
Paul Ewing:
"Way to the Wild" #lynxcreek #bradshaws #mountains #trail #hiking #forest #лес #тропа #дерева #tree #trees #paulewing #zvuchno
Paul Ewing:
"Get Out The Machetes, Mates!" #brush #underbrush #forest #swamp #trees #дерева #подлесок #лес #fireswamp #hiking #offtrail #paulewing #zvuchno
Paul Ewing:
"Lynx Creek At Last!"
Paul Ewing:
"Rock Stars" #rock #rocks #geology #outcrop #lynxcreek #bradshawmountains #arizona #riparian #geology #hiking #wild #paulewing #zvuchno
Paul Ewing:
"What's That Gleaming Off In The Distance?"
Paul Ewing:
"Who's That? And What On Earth Is He Doing?"
Paul Ewing:
Panning for Gold on Lynx Creek near Prescott, Arizona
Paul Ewing:
"Looks Like Hard Work"
Paul Ewing:
"Gold Panning: Tools of the Trade"
Paul Ewing:
"One More Thing You Need For Successful Gold Panning: A Mountain Stream With Gold Bearing Sediments, One Like Lynx Creek, the Premier Gold Panning Stream in the Entire State of Arizona!"
Paul Ewing:
"Time for 'Ponderosa Paul' to Give It a Try"
Paul Ewing:
"Getting Down to the Nitty Gritty"
Paul Ewing:
"'Juniper Jake' Pans Lynx Creek"
Paul Ewing:
"And Whatever You Do, Don't Forget the Selfie Stick for That Big Strike, And I Don't Mean Rattlesnake" --signed, "Ponderosa Paul, Prospector At Large"