Paul Ewing:
Self-Portrait with Dillon
Paul Ewing:
Dillon Responds to the Call
Paul Ewing:
Granite Dells Dillon
Paul Ewing:
Best of Show, Thumb Butte, AZ; December 26, 2012
Paul Ewing:
Dillon and Zac; Thumb Butte, AZ; January 2, 2013
Paul Ewing:
Dillon Through Wet Lens
Paul Ewing:
Zac and Dillon Above Fain Park Dam on Canyon Trail
Paul Ewing:
Dillon on Canyon Trail; Fain Park; Prescott Valley, AZ
Paul Ewing:
Kachina Animal Hospital Clients, Marshal Dillon and Zac Dogson Await Groundbreaking Ceremonies
Paul Ewing:
Self Portrait with Dillon
Paul Ewing:
I Don't Want No Stinking Hike in the Sun!
Paul Ewing:
Enough of this Hiking in the Sun Stuff!
Paul Ewing:
Marshal Dillon
Paul Ewing:
Marshal Dillon
Paul Ewing:
Wolfman Zac!