Paul Ewing: Cottonwood Tree in style of Vincent Van Gogh by Paul Ewing
Paul Ewing: Lonesome Valley a la Winslow Homer
Paul Ewing: "Stranger in Paradise, Redux"
Paul Ewing: Big Breakers, Kauai North Shore
Paul Ewing: Faux Japanese Print
Paul Ewing: Down Mexico Way
Paul Ewing: Van Gogh's Starry Desert
Paul Ewing: Watson Lake Oil Painting
Paul Ewing: Ann Arbor Goldfish
Paul Ewing: Verde River, Hot
Paul Ewing: Upper Verde River
Paul Ewing: Watson Lake, Digital Oil Painting
Paul Ewing: Deep Blue Sea, Kauai
Paul Ewing: Kauai Breakers, Detail
Paul Ewing: Rainy Desert
Paul Ewing: Photoshop CS6 4.0 [first ever oil paint filter application]
Paul Ewing: Faux Oil Painting, House of Kitsch
Paul Ewing: Old Ford Work Horse
Paul Ewing: Corrugated Metal Abstract Oil Painting
Paul Ewing: Desert Flower
Paul Ewing: Superman Corvette
Paul Ewing: Waterfall, Digital Oil
Paul Ewing: Digital Oil Sunflower
Paul Ewing: "Iris in the See" --title by flickr member Tracey Stephens, and image dedicatged to her
Paul Ewing: Watson Lake with Van Gogh Grass
Paul Ewing: Rainbow by the Slice
Paul Ewing: Over the Edge
Paul Ewing: Piece of Abstract 8