Paul Ewing: "International Tag 'James Tillich' Day"--May 1, 2012
Paul Ewing: "James Tillich Morphs From Political Into Spiritual Leader"
Paul Ewing: "James Tillich for President! Save the U.S.A. Join the N.P.A.*
Paul Ewing: "James Tillich for President"
Paul Ewing: "Dao of James Tillich"
Paul Ewing: Jackass Acres; Jackass Flats, Arizona
Paul Ewing: Nihilist Party of America, Campaign Headquarters 2012, "Tilllich for President" (View in original size for book titles and office door, far right)
Paul Ewing: "James Tillich on the Road Again"
Paul Ewing: "James Tillich Visits Conch Land"
Paul Ewing: "Office of James Tillich, the Man Who Never Existed"
Paul Ewing: "James Tillich: America's New Czar of Higher Education"
Paul Ewing: "A Tree Grows in Tillichland"
Paul Ewing: "He's Down There Somewhere, James Tillich Is"
Paul Ewing: "Being James Tillichovich: A More Be Us Feedback Loop"
Paul Ewing: "James Tillich's Lost World"
Paul Ewing: "James Tillich Blips Out of Existence"
Paul Ewing: "Mercury with James Tillich Plates"
Paul Ewing: "James Tillich's Train Trip to Non-Existence"
Paul Ewing: "James Tillich in his Anti-Reality Bubble"
Paul Ewing: "Neo-Platonist Spirit Arises from James Tillich Plate Found at Pompeii"
Paul Ewing: "James Tillich Haunts Athens"
Paul Ewing: "James Tillich Emerges From the Primordial Soup"
Paul Ewing: "James Tillich's Portal to Nowhere"