quarter.century: diversity
quarter.century: Gallery in the Woods
quarter.century: the whole world smiles
quarter.century: grown up
quarter.century: pickin' apples
quarter.century: little t
quarter.century: IMG_2831
quarter.century: IMG_2280-21
quarter.century: IMG_2574-76
quarter.century: rissa-ree-roo
quarter.century: Brian's Graduation Shoot
quarter.century: Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable. ~Plato
quarter.century: 20110614-IMG_9081
quarter.century: 20110521-IMG_7600
quarter.century: sweet little vivian
quarter.century: “Adoption is when a child grew in its mommy’s heart instead of her tummy.”~unknown
quarter.century: 20110522-IMG_7942
quarter.century: this one is a dandy..
quarter.century: lovebirds<3
quarter.century: Aunt Lisa's Mother's Day Portrait
quarter.century: 195.365~ And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. ~Abraham Lincoln