quadceratops: harnessing the spirit of the crispiest drummer i know
quadceratops: ken and trevers
quadceratops: the fonz!
quadceratops: tracks
quadceratops: jesseg
quadceratops: guitars + bass
quadceratops: guitars
quadceratops: listening intently
quadceratops: jesse chillaxation
quadceratops: notice the paul joyce bass, notice the paul joyce face
quadceratops: HEY dudes!
quadceratops: trever
quadceratops: ken and trever
quadceratops: tough days work
quadceratops: the bass drum mic tunnel
quadceratops: happiness is a warm gun show
quadceratops: trever
quadceratops: control room
quadceratops: trever
quadceratops: weird cup eyes
quadceratops: drum set up