qp1977: This building again
qp1977: Things you find on walls - part I
qp1977: One more round then it's bottles to the ground
qp1977: Building near Prisma
qp1977: Image taken with my new phone
qp1977: A Walk
qp1977: Such flowery!
qp1977: Wild in the streets
qp1977: The factory gates
qp1977: Neighbourhood
qp1977: The dirt whispered
qp1977: Qué tren
qp1977: Skyscape
qp1977: There comes a time for a man to walk away
qp1977: Wallflower
qp1977: That building again
qp1977: Cloudy
qp1977: Atlantic ocean
qp1977: Those crazy mushrooms
qp1977: They are watching you..
qp1977: Öö.. windows
qp1977: Bussi
qp1977: Smokescape
qp1977: That building with reduced colors