qnr: Deserted Downtown
qnr: Dark Augusta Downtown
qnr: Dark Augusta Downtown-modified
qnr: Looks positively WWII era
qnr: You judge what the arrows mean
qnr: Gotta be a thrift store joke in there somewhere
qnr: p1220731
qnr: p1220727
qnr: The Crab Store
qnr: Dead end for the Wal*Mart Cart
qnr: Call
qnr: Jerry B's Kayak
qnr: p1220724
qnr: Kayaks and Tattoos
qnr: Kayak guard
qnr: Donation Station
qnr: Light, stars & glitter
qnr: p1220730
qnr: Quality Control at the Kwik Wash