Q.K.菲林: 清水莲花
Q.K.菲林: DSC01812
Q.K.菲林: 路边小花
Q.K.菲林: Casual &8
Q.K.菲林: Time to be Red
Q.K.菲林: Blue Sky, Buildings and Flowers
Q.K.菲林: Le Printemps 2019
Q.K.菲林: Peegee hydrangea at rooftop
Q.K.菲林: Ice flowers
Q.K.菲林: Snow on branches
Q.K.菲林: Pine Cone
Q.K.菲林: Baby Pinecone
Q.K.菲林: Daylily
Q.K.菲林: Azalea flower in water
Q.K.菲林: Foxtail lily
Q.K.菲林: Tassel Hyacinth
Q.K.菲林: Water lilies
Q.K.菲林: Honey bee and giant allium
Q.K.菲林: Common daisy
Q.K.菲林: Giant Allium
Q.K.菲林: Les hydrangea paniculata à la terrasse
Q.K.菲林: White lotus
Q.K.菲林: Trees, Benches and Lawn
Q.K.菲林: Great spangled fritillary
Q.K.菲林: Globe Thistle
Q.K.菲林: Tagetes erecta
Q.K.菲林: Spider on a leaf
Q.K.菲林: Willow and its reflection
Q.K.菲林: Bloomed white lotus