timarnot_aus: 5917 Departs Gosford 040414
timarnot_aus: 5917 Into the Night 040414
timarnot_aus: 5917 servicing Gosford 040414
timarnot_aus: 5917 servicing at Gosford 040414
timarnot_aus: 5917 at Gosford 040414
timarnot_aus: 5917 cab view servicing Gosford 040414
timarnot_aus: 5917 at Gosford Mono 040414
timarnot_aus: 5917 at Gosford Colour 040414
timarnot_aus: 5917 brewing up to depart 040414
timarnot_aus: 5917 Gosford 040414
timarnot_aus: 5917 arrives Gosford 140414
timarnot_aus: 5917 arrives Gosford 140414a
timarnot_aus: 5917 arrives Gosford 140414b